Here Is the latest Email from Spencer, we received it on the 5th even though he sent it on the 6th. It's crazy to think that he is a day ahead of us.
Dear Family,
I don't really know where to begin, when we got here we stayed with the zone leaders Elders Vinici and Green, Elder Green is white but he jokes and tells everyone that he and the Elder Green who came with me are brothers. After we met them they took us to the Phipens they are a senior couple who I guess kind of stand in for the Mission President in Kiribati. After we met with them we talked with the Mission President on skype. He will be coming in a couple of weeks so I will meet him then. My area is a part of Tarawa called Temwaiku. My trainers name is Elder Rameka he is from New Zealand, so far he has been really cool.
I had my first baptism already, an 8 year old named Kakai. They wanted the Elders to do it so they asked me. I had to say it in Kiribati so I had to do it a couple of times but it was really cool. The people here are incredible. They are so kind and welcoming ,they feed the Elders almost every night. The Elders say that we don't really go out tracting here, we usually always have lessons lined up because the members are really good about finding people for us to teach. I know this is all really random but I'm just so slow. If you send a package send it to the mission home address, if your sending a
letter you can
send it to P.O. Box 217 Bikenbeu, Tarawa Kiribati. I'm doing really well ,I'll try to get a letter out that has more info. I love you all and hope you all are doing well
Love, Elder Norton
P.S. I forgot to say mauri that means hi and ti a bo which means goodbye the ti makes an s sound.